Saturday, August 30, 2008

Talk, Talk, Talk

On Friday, Ben brought me the cell phone, pointed to it and said some gibberish words. I mostly talk to my mom on the cell phone, so I was assuming that he was asking to call grandma. I dialed grandma's number, put her on speaker phone, and gave the phone to Ben. When she answered he immediately started "talking" to her! He walked around the house talking, talking, talking! It was SO CUTE!!!!! He had a lot to tell his grandma!

The phone is in his right hand. He was walking and talking....just like mommy!! (Please ignore the horrific mess on the living room floor. I was in the middle of folding laundry when Ben made his phone call request!)

I am listening! You are so interesting to talk to!

Can I see her on the screen? (Ben always looks at the screen to see if she is there!!)

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