Here are a few ideas from the world according to Sarah!

**When we were walking to school the other day, we saw a truck that was raised up pretty high and had oversized tires. Sarah says to me: "Mommy, that truck looks like it is wearing high heels!"
**Yesterday Sarah was telling me about "table points" in her classroom. The table with the most points each week gets extra privileges and a trophy on their table. I was talking about the trophy saying that it was one her teacher's husband won a few years ago and Sarah says "No, mommy, that trophy is from the 1900s!" (i.e. 1980s) Boy did I feel OLD!!!!!!
I love the Sarah-isms. I think maybe they should be published in a magazine! Sarah, you just amaze me, but I always thought you were smart....
That is too funny! She is so cute!
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