Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving in Tucson, AZ

This year, we decided to get out of town and spend a nice, family weekend away for Thanksgiving. It was just what the doctor ordered! It was relaxing, calm, easy, and good quality family time with the kids! We went back to Tucson, AZ to visit the U of Arizona campus and eat at our old haunts.
On Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we went to the pool and played most of the day (until it started raining on us!) The pool was nice and heated and Sarah LOVED the water slide! We ate lunch out by the pool and just soaked in the fun!

On Friday, we visited the U of A campus. We had Flat Stanley with us (for a student at Tyson's school). Sarah had a great time with Flat Stanley and told us where, how, and why to take pictures of him! I think she was a little bummed that she didn't get to do that with her own Flat Stanley earlier this year!

In front of the football stadium.

At the Flandreau Science Center on Campus.

In front of the dorm where Tyson and I lived our Freshman year (and where we first met...ahhhhhh!)

In front of my sorority house! They have made some changes that make it look awesome!!!

The kids in front of Old Main.

On Saturday, we left Tucson and stopped at the Ostrich Ranch (about 30 miles outside of Tucson). It was SO much fun! The kids (and Tyson and I, for that matter) had a blast!

Ben LOVED feeding the deer. They were so gentle with him. He could stick his hand out with food on it and they would just lick it off his hands. He thought this was just too cool.

We went to see the Ostrich next, but they were so aggressive that both Ben and Sarah wanted NOTHING to do with them!

Ben found a donkey to feed, too!

Our last stop was the Lorakeet house. These birds would fly right on to your head and arms while drinking the nectar out of the cup. It was my favorite part. Very COOL!

Ben didn't know what to think when this bird landed on his head!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's so nice when your friends are just as obsessed as you are about something! My friend, Kristen, turned me on to the Twilight series of books and I was hooked FAST! We decided to go to the 12:01 AM showing of the movie. Kristen and Adrienne got there at 3 pm to wait in line...they were pretty far back, but quickly made friends with some people at the front of the line and got us moved closer to the front! I couldn't make it to the theater until 7:30 (Tyson had to work!). So, I brought dinner for all of us and we ate as we continued to count down the minutes to the premiere! We had a great time talking and laughing and making friends with those around us! We were let into the theater at 10pm. We sat and talked some more....of course. Kristen and I had to go for a walk to wake ourselves up around 11pm (and NO, we were NOT the oldest ones there! But there were A LOT of teenagers! I later told Sarah that I can't wait to do this with her when she is older!)

YAY! The movie finally started at 12:01 AM! I was completely and totally disappointed in the movie! Yes, I know, the book is always better (and Tyson tells me that I am a book snob anyway), but this movie did the book NO justice. The main character was so poorly developed, I could not stand the direction, and I think that if you had not read the book, you would have been a little lost.

It was still a great time and I am glad that I went! A night out with the girls is never a bad thing!

Sarah's 2nd Grade Performance

Each month, at Sarah's school, a different grade level performs at the school's "Spirit Day". This month (November), 2nd Grade got to perform! They sang a Pilgrim song (to the tune of "The ants go marching 1 by 1"). It was quite cute! She did a great job!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pilgrims and Indians

Sarah made these in school today. I just thought they were so cute, so we are sharing them with all of you! Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Who's been sleeping in my bed?

Friday night, I went scrapbooking with a friend. When I returned home at 11:30, I checked Ben's bed and found it empty. Then, I checked Sarah's bed and found it empty, too. When I walked into our room, I found the whole family sleeping in our bed! I couldn't resist taking these pictures! I love the way Ben is so snuggled into Sarah! It is so sweet!

Soccer Party

This year, we had Sarah's Soccer Party in the park. We played a parents vs. kids soccer game, ate cake, got trophies, and said goodbye to soccer until next year! It was so fun!The girls carried Danielle off the field for scoring the winning goal! Yes, the girls beat the parents 2-1!

Sarah receiving her trophy!

The team! We had such a great, fun season!

Sarah, Tilicia, and Coach Ed

Sarah and Tilicia

Our trophies!

Sarah, Tilicia, and Tilicia's sister carried out the shredded banner...they were chanting "the firecracker mobile". Each girl got to cut out her ball and name to keep from the banner!