Last weekend, we attended Shannon & Levi's totally awesome 80s themed wedding in Phoenix, AZ. Most of the people who came dressed up (including us!). It was so fun to see how everyone dressed and hear all that great 80s music!
Our outfits:
Like Ben's Mohawk?
Our outfits:

We forgot his sippy cup - he didn't mind - we poured little bits of water in this wine glass....he loved drinking out of it!

Ben literally passed out on my shoulder on the dance floor! He was so tired. I headed back to the room (and what was on TV...The Wedding Singer!!! ha, ha!). My mom and Sarah stayed until the very end! Sarah never leaves a party early!

Here are some random pictures of what everyone wore to the wedding:

What an AWESOME idea! I have never heard of an 80's theme wedding. I am a HUGE 80's music fan. It looks like you guys had a blast--especially Sarah:). Owen LOVED disneyland--you have to take Ben soon. Looks like you are all staying busy. Take care!
You 80's chicks rock!!! What fun you had... and Grandma Marilee looks terrific with her awesome dance partner Sarah.
I love Ben's Mohawk. He is getting so BIG. And, Jessica what a great costume. Takes me back to Flash Dance. Good job.
See you all soon.
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