Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Soccer Banner!!

Tonight, we had Sarah's soccer team over to our house to create our soccer banner. The girls worked hard on their soccer balls and painted their names. Then they all left to play and the parents finished it up!!! :)

Some girls couldn't make it, so they are going to paint names and make their soccer balls at practice tomorrow. I will post a finished banner soon......


Marilee said...

Oh so cute seeing all the girls working and creating together! The banner is darling.
Good job girls (and moms)!

Anonymous said...

So much fun to see how the banner started. I loved being part of the process - got to use the great glue gun to tuck in the sides. After seeing all the banners at Saturdays soccer games I liked this one best because the girls made it themselves!!!! Yah for the girls and the moms!