We got our creative Halloween juices flowing today when we made these super cute Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Shirts. I am so excited for the holidays! It is so much fun!! We had lots of fun...and look how cute they turned out!!
First, we tye-dyed our white shirts orange.

Next, we drew Jack-O-Lantern faces inside the circles.

Sarah worked on hers and I did Ben's.

Aren't they cute???
Now we are ready for October and Halloween!

Ben did NOT want to take this picture...can you tell?

Look how cool Sarah's hood is!! I love how she did it! AWESOME!

After we took pictures of our super cool shirts, we decided to play outside.
I thought these pictures were cute!
Ben LOVES the hose....
You are so creative! Very cute!
I love the pictures! Great project Jessica! Fun was had by ALL.
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