Sunday, September 28, 2008
Grandpa called today telling us that he was craving an in-n-out burger, fries, and chocolate shake. SO, Sarah and I decided to go to in-n-out for dinner in his honor. Really, dad, we were thinking of YOU the WHOLE time!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Swamp Thing......
Tyson was watering the Plum tree tonight and Ben thought it would be fun to dive in and play in the water and mud! When he emerged, he so looked like SWAMP THING! Yes, that shirt was clean and WHITE this morning!!

Just for Alicia......to help you sleep!
Tyson was watering again today and spotted our friendly spiders! They have gotten BIG!!! I posted a picture of the second spider, which I didn't post the first time because it was small and hard to see....you can see how that has changed in the last couple of weeks.

L.A. County Fair
We took the kids (plus one...we invited Sarah's friend Lauren to come, too!) to the LA Co. Fair on Saturday night! We had a blast! Tyson's Aunt Susan gave us free tickets (thank you, Susan!!!) to the fair, so it made it that much sweeter!! :)
Charolotte's Web Barn Yard

The big hit of the night was the BIG SLIDE! The girls LOVED it! Tyson went on it once with them, then they got to go down it again by themselves! Pure joy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Getting Ready for Halloween!!!
We got our creative Halloween juices flowing today when we made these super cute Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Shirts. I am so excited for the holidays! It is so much fun!! We had lots of fun...and look how cute they turned out!!

After we took pictures of our super cool shirts, we decided to play outside.
I thought these pictures were cute!
Ben LOVES the hose....

First, we tye-dyed our white shirts orange.

Sarah worked on hers and I did Ben's.

Aren't they cute???
Now we are ready for October and Halloween!
Now we are ready for October and Halloween!

After we took pictures of our super cool shirts, we decided to play outside.
I thought these pictures were cute!
Ben LOVES the hose....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Soccer Banner!!
Tonight, we had Sarah's soccer team over to our house to create our soccer banner. The girls worked hard on their soccer balls and painted their names. Then they all left to play and the parents finished it up!!! :)

Some girls couldn't make it, so they are going to paint names and make their soccer balls at practice tomorrow. I will post a finished banner soon......

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Our Spider Friend
Tonight we were out playing in the front yard riding bikes and watering the roses. Tyson noticed this friendly addition to our rosemary hedges. Sarah and I became intrigued by this spider. Sarah and I kept a close eye on it for about an hour. In that time, it caught two bees in it's web. You can see both of the bees in the first picture. It was fascinating to watch the spider spin silk around the bees while they were still alive. You could still see them squirming in the silk cocoon. Sarah really wanted to see the spider eat one of them, but it didn't in the time we were outside. Tyson thinks that this is a Golden Orb Web Spider. There was another one in the same bush, but it was much smaller than this one. Check out the quarter Sarah is holding up for scale!!
MOM: Can you believe that YOUR daughter got THIS close to a spider THIS BIG????? Never thought you would see the day!!!!!!!!!

MOM: Can you believe that YOUR daughter got THIS close to a spider THIS BIG????? Never thought you would see the day!!!!!!!!!

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer!!
Soccer season is upon us!
This year, Sarah is on the FIRECRACKERS! Today was her first game and she was awesome! She has improved every year since she started playing and this year she looked fantastic on the field. She was passing to her teammates and taking the ball away from the other team. She loves playing defense and was excited that she got to play that position for 2 quarters! She was SO close to scoring 2 goals, but just missed it! Maybe next time!! We are excited for a fun soccer season!

Friday, September 5, 2008
What? Do I have something on my face?
Benjamin sure loves his ketchup! Tonight at dinner that is about all he ate (and wore!). At first, it was just around his mouth from dipping his fingers in the ketchup and sucking the ketchup off of them.
Then, he rubbed his ketchup covered hands all over his face and hair. We all laughed, so this egged him on to do it some more!

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