Friday, April 16, 2010

Photo Updates

Here are some things that we have been up to lately:
First group of pictures is Ben and I baking cookies - notice the underwear! YAY! We are potty trained!! Woo HOO!

Ben and I visiting Sarah's school for her 3rd grade performance. She was awesome!

Ben being his silly self.

"I don't want you to take my picture right now"

SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah Sings About Polygons

Today at school, 3rd grade performed at spirit day. Sarah's class did a cute song about polygons. Pause the music below and ENJOY!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pet Lizard!

Tyson and the kids were playing in the backyard when this lizard found them! He was so friendly with the kids. They had tons of fun watching him and letting him climb all over their sweatshirts. The lizard actually to up residence in Ben's pocket for quite some time (although none of my pictures of that turned out).

After the fun, we released him back in our yard.